
Robin Armstrong

1946-Oct. 17 Born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1964 Graduated Westmount High School
1964-1966 Sir George Williams University, Science
1965-Current Study of I Ching
1968-1969 Hari Om Ashram, Meditation in India.
1969-Current Study of Astrology
1970 I Ching-Astrology Horoscope forms, designed and printed, Toronto, On
1970–Current Professional Astrological Consultant, Toronto, On
1971-1990 Founder and President of the IAO Research Centre Inc., Toronto, Ontario, a non-profit corporation which started as a centre of inspiration and creativity with regards to the I Ching and astrology. It quickly developed into a place of education and research.
IAO Library of Divine Science, and the Healing Arts. Over 500 people donated books to create the library. At its peak in the mid-nineties, over 300 people a month were using the library. By 2000 the collection had grown to 25,000 items.
IAO Astronomical Observatory. This was a portable observatory. Telescopes were acquired and would be brought to special sites in the country, to observe special phenomena.
IAO Publications essentially published books and posters on Astro-logic, the Synthesis of Astrology and the I Ching. Astro-logic II was a multilingual work in seven languages.
1972-1976 Owned & managed IAO Astrological Bookstore Toronto, On.
1972 Astrological Mandalas, Spaced Art, Science Fiction Art Exhibit, Bakka, Toronto
1973 Invented the Wheel of Astrologic to teach I Ching and Astrology to the blind. This was a circular board with symbols elevated on it to enable touch reading. Students would then be enabled to follow the discourse with their fingers.
1974-Current RASA School of Astrology, curriculum approved by the Professional Astrologers Inc. Sacramento, CA. 4 astrology classes per week, 3 semesters a year. 11 levels, 4 year program.
1974-1977 Founder & National Coordinator of CIAO, the Canadian Independent Astrologers’ Order, Toronto, On.
1974 Sep Northern Lights Astrology Conference CIAO. 6 days Coordinated & managed the first national Canadian Astrology Conference in Toronto. A news conference for election predictions in Toronto got local & national radio & television coverage.
1976 Invented a Genealogical wheel integrating the I Ching, astrology & the family tree.
1977 Invented, constructed and patented the CELESTIAL HARP, a musical instrument designed to play a person’s horoscope and the I Ching. It has 72 strings, 8 double strings with frets on every string. They correspond to the 64 I Ching hexagrams. The strings radiate out from the centre. The Celestial Harp is designed to be played by several people at the same time.
1977-1988 Founding member of FCA, Fraternity for Canadian Astrologers, Ottawa, On.
1979-Current Owned and managed RA Publications, Toronto, On.
1982-Current Founding member & Coordinator & Advisor, AFAN, Association for Astrological Networking, a US based-international organization, Beverly Hills, CA
1986-1994, 2008-2013 Founding member of Astrology Toronto, Toronto, On.
1989-2015 Board of Advisors, to the Heart Center Library, Big Rapids, Michigan
1989 Western Canada Book Promotion Tour, Winnipeg, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia.
1990 Eastern Canada Book Promotion Tour, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland.
1991-2000 Owned and managed the STAR Centre with its astrological library, classrooms, consultation rooms, and art gallery, Toronto, On.
1992-1994 Elected Steering Committee Member of AFAN, Education Portfolio
1992-1995 Founding member and President of NCGR, the National Council for Geocosmic Research, Toronto Chapter.
1994 Founding member of the international Astrological Library Association headquarters in Big Rapids, MI
1994-1995 Elected Steering Committee Member of AFAN, Education Portfolio
1995 Stars in Sight, an Astrology- I-Ching program completed. 18 years in development. Toronto, On.
1996-1998 Astrology Website on Sympatico, Daily & Monthly predictions, and an Astrology Forum, Toronto, On.
1998–Current Astrology Website on www.iastro.com  Daily , Weekly, Monthly, & Yearly predictions, a calendar of astrological phenomena and many insights about astrology, Toronto, On.
2000-2001 Astrology website dotcom2000, Daily , Weekly, Monthly, & Yearly predictions, a calendar of astrological phenomena and many insights about astrology, Toronto, On.

2002-2016 Owned and managed the STAR Centre in Aurora, On.

2003 Managed and organized Olatunji Drum Stage at Afrofest, Toronto, On.
2004 Managed and organized Olatunji Drum Stage at Afrofest, Toronto, On.

2006 Completed revised I Ching: The Sequence of Change.

2007-2016 Built and maintained Forest Woodhenge
2007-Current Astrology website on www.thewakingdream.net
2008 Astrological Prairie Tour: Winnipeg, Calgary & Edmonton

2008-2010 Star Drumming Classes

2011-Current RASA international scholarship program

2011 Completed “I Ching: The Great Treatise, An Astrological Perspective”

2012 Astrological Prairie Tour Winnipeg and Edmonton

2012-2104 Toronto Astrology Meetup Group Planet sessions

2013-2014 Developed new coloured horoscopes with Photoshop

2014-Sept. Astrology workshops in Shanghai, China

2014 Set up Iastrostore.com

2015 Start Mandarin Studies at Seneca College

2015-Apr.-May Astrology + I Ching workshops in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Yiwu & Fuzhou, China

2015-Sept. Lecture at Edmonton Astrological conference.

2015-2016 Twice Weekly Astrology Webinars to China-with translator. (10 levels-120 two hour videos.)

2016 Move to Etobicoke Studio.

2017-2019 Weekly Webinars: RASA School of Astrology. Complete full 10 levels -120 two hours videos in English with new graphics.

2018-Mar. Start RASA Classes and Student Forum.

2018-Apr Wesak Symposium on Healing. Presented Maps of Consciousness and made video of it.

2019-May Wesak Symposium on Ageless Wisdom. Presented Astrology, 7 Rays and 64 Hexagrams. Made video.

2019-Aug. Completed Astro-Geneology Lineage Chart.

2019-Aug. Started chanting Hari Om 8 levels of I Ching.

2019-Nov. Heliocentric Astrology at Astrology Toronto, made video.

2019-Dec. Complete the Level 10 RASA webinar series. and put them on Youtube.

2020-Jan. Complete update of Pattern Types, and update RASA.ws website.

2020-Jun. Webinar for Niagara Falls Astrology Meetup Group, on Pentans, made video.

2020-Aug Completed 448 videos on I Ching of Oneness and put on youtube.

2020-Nov Completed 6 new sites on Astrology and the I Ching. https://www.astrologyiching.com/, http://www.ichingastrology.com/, https://www.ichi-ng.com/, https://www.iching-hexagrams.com/, https://www.i-ching-changes.com/, and https://iching-music.com/

2021-Feb. Way of Astrology- opening talk for CAAE Annual Meeting

2021-Feb. Create videos of Celestial Harp cds and put on Youtube

2021-May. finished Heliocentric planet nodes ephemeris

2021-Oct. complete Helio orbits NH + SH

2022-Jan. Interview on Bigfoot and the Bunny -Solitude rooms + Celestial Harp.

2022-Feb. RASA New Moon Newsletters began-English and Mandarin

2022 Apr. Published 360 Zodiac Degrees: A Celestial I Ching

2022-Jun. Move studio to Durham, Ont.

2022-Aug. Joined Saugeen Saunterers as a drummer.

2022-Sept. Four Week Hand Drumming Class in Durham

2022-Sept. Chanting session in Durham

2023-Jan. Three new tuning systems for Celestial Harp.

2023-Feb. Completed new Helio Chart form on photoshop

2023-Mar. Completed www.eight-trigrams.com

2023-Apr. Completed Galactic Zodiac form

2023-Apr+May Saunterers performances: Owen Sound Earth Day, Durham Edgehill School, and Guelph New Orleans Durge.

An Astrologer's Resume